More Munchkin Cavalry Riders And Munchkin Sharpshooters Nearing Completion
I have made some more Munchkin cavalry from the smaller copies of Marx ACW cavalry. The ehads are the usual Fort Henry Guard and the belts are made from paper tape which is easy to stick in place and then to fix with Super Glue or PVA white glue. I also added the Timpo muskets slightly cut down and putty coat tails.

Here are the sharpshooters/snipers nearly finished. I decided on light green or parrot green coats as green suits sharpshooters, The light blue is because they are balloonists, and, well, they are in the sky int they? The figure on the left had a Timpo musket (the one that went with the Arabs) but it broke in half so I replaced it with metal tubes including a very long scope. the but is made from putty and will be painted tomorrow. I'm fairly happy how the figures turned out especially as they were made from super cheap figures. I probably won't make bases for them as they have to fit in the balloon basket.
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