Which Witch Is Wych?

 Bruella, the half ogre witch now has a bird leg wand. In case you are wondering it is an actual bird leg taken from a probably feline ambush. I have used real animal parts before. I usually soak them in detergent for quite a few days before draining on the garden and then soaking the skeleton in bleach. It is amazing what can be found on the beach or bushwalking. I have also used dried fern leaves and various small stones on bases. I firm up the piece with Super Glue or/and PVA. I once used a mouse skull section for a helmet on a dwarf.

Today I also finished my Dark Elf sorceress. The Warhammer ones (of which I also have some) always are depicted as incredibly sexy which I think probably comes down to a mix of magic and eugenics. However, many of them are really old hags who reinvigorate themselves by bathing in blood and, one expects, suitable incantations.

So, after those fantastic musings, back to the figure. My 1/32 version of a Dark Elf just required a suitable looking figure and  I had a casting a deceased friend once made from the Phoenix Atlantis figure. His casting didn't come out entirely well. A foot was mostly missing and one side of the face was malformed. So I could have painted her as having a malformed face but decided this would be difficult to represent and I imagined a rather Gothic pose with hair over one eye. Black hair would probably look good but I tend to paint these babes with red hair as well as very pale skin. Anyhow hair made from Green Stuff scored with a knife is not too hard to make.

The Dark Elves are masters (or mistresses) of close combat, especially the Wyches so I gave her a DSG sword intended to be a scabbard holding a sword, Super Glued in place and then with Green Stiff belt or sash to hold it further. The belt also has a plate from a Historex spare which may alter have a gem added to it and the belly button.

Finally, the base was painted blue-black-purple with some odd buts of gold and red splashed into the mix to make anther worldly, supernatural and generally expressionistic and painterly look. Pollock's 'Blue Poles'?


  1. I say! This is all getting a bit saucy!

  2. I think she would lull an enemy into a fascinated and enticed state before either lopping off his head or paralysing him with magic before having him hauled off for appropriate and terminal torture.


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