Gerolstein Invades Ozzz & Uses Dirty Tricks

 A break in the temporal, timey wimy, discontinuum has again opened a portal into Ozzz which has been faced with yet another invasion.

Some of the Gerolsteiner forces were bewildered to find themselves in a strange land with red fungi trees, gigantic birds and an actual giant. They had been told they were going on 'a training exercise' and the militia, in particular grumbled that they were meant to defend home ground only. However, The Duchess held her forces together as she was much loved by her people. She rode in her magnificent open topped Frutenburger mobile and waved to the troops. 

The Duchess had led other fantastic expeditions, including into the lands of Chaos. She was still searching for her missing niece but she was not in Ozzz.

Ozz Quadling and Munchkin forces under Glinda the Good Witch and The Wizard assembled their forces. However, the Gerolsteiners were masters of infiltration ad had left bottles of wine over the battlefield. The entire Ozzzralite army got drunk, including Shrek the giant. Consequently they made no move forward to take ground and their firing was ineffectual. The Gerolsteiner elite cavalry charged across the battlefield as did another unit of cavalry. The Ozzzralite militia and a unit of cavalry were pushed off the field.

But then the giant eagle ridden by a Munchkin hero and a giant owl charged the closest enemy cavalry. In conjunction with the remaining Munchkin cavalry they wiped them out. Now, though, they faced combined Gerolstein fire power.

meanwhile the Gerolstein 'Hunters' regiment' pushed into the forest and fired from its edge at the enemy infantry and grenadiers. The latter fired back, aided by The Wizard and Glinda's magic. On the Gerolstein right flank infantry and artillery killed the Munchkin cannon crews and wiped out the amphibious regiment. Yes, they were amphibians, not marines.


Ozzz forces, hopelessly drunk.

Gerolsteiner Huntsmen scouts take advantage of the Ozzz stupor to advance into the forest opposite the Wizard and Good Witch's forces. The rest soon follow.
                                   The Gerolstein heavy cavalry charge the Munchkin militia.
                                                                      Ozzz firing line

                                                        Ozzz militia and cavalry defeated
               Counterattack! Ozzz's remaining Munchkin cavalry and the Big Birds attack a doomed Gerolsteiner cavalry regiment.
                                     Foreground: Gerolsteiner infantry take firing positions.
                                      Other Gerolsteiner infantry take up a position inside cover.
                                                      The Duchess urges on her troops.

   The giant Eagle, Owl and cavalry come under from Gerolsteiner militia and machine gun.


Mat and I rolled a die to see which sides we would have; Mat got Ozzz. I got Gerolstein. Ozzz is Napoleonic technology plus magic and some creatures. Gerolstein is early 1900s era.

Gerolstreating.ein used the sneaky tactic mentioned in Funny Little Wars. ON a D6 roll of 5 or six it got to leave wine bottles around the battlefield. Success! A D3 roll decided how many moves the Ozzzralites would be indisposed. it was three! This also meant any shooting would be at a minus 1. Under cover of this my cavalry charged the 'Little People'.

Mat used magic to increase the deadliness of his musketmen.

The battle seesawed but in the end I rolled up the enemy right flank. Mat made a daring advance on my right flank. However, his giant was shot down. A column of his Quadling grenadiers charged and did destroy one of my infantry regiments before being shot up and retreating. His scarecrows were hard to kill, even though they were a bit dopey. His Cowardly Lion led them but he remained cowardly and never rolled the 5 or 6 on a D6 to get his leadership above five and his strength anything formidable. In the end he and the straw men retreated but they had weakened the havelock wearing infantry which were then attacked by the Tin men and then the Quadling Genera!

The butchers' bill was quite high on both sides but at the end Mat's few remaining forces were in retreat.

As usual, for my small and more recently assembled armies I borrow troops from elsewhere so you can see ACW, Napoleonic and French Foreign legion in my Gerolsteiner army. The Ozzzralite army includes Napolonics and American Revolution figures. I use slightly smaller scale figures for Munchkins.


  1. Brilliant so many inspirational idea's l look forward to your next battle report..


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