American Cops

Recently I showed some new figures I got from the op shop. They included 45mm cops. So here they are painted in a fairly basic paint job. The one with dog is my favorite and he looks more like a Doberman than the usual German Shepherd. I have also added the cops I already had. Obviously, one could paint these as cops and security guards of other nations, real or imagined. Also, there is a khaki drill American cops' uniform option.

  Here are some more cops I did a while ago. Two have been given Hong Kong swoppet heads and one has a been given a large revolver.

                          Below are a couple of factory painted cops in larger scale with the one with walkie talkie or large mobile phone being about 54mm.

                                                   I almost forgot the one with a megaphone.

 By the way, some of these figures I converted into Napoleonic style Munchkin grenadiers.


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