A Mystery beast For The Undead

 A search of my 'Dragon Box' produced an extraordinary figure which had been a garage sale find (called yard sales in America). The jointed creature lacked the upper portion of its face, so I made this from putty. I liked that the figure had, what looks like real hair.

Now my additions: It took a fair amount of Green Stuff to build the face. The protruding teeth and horn were cut from a plastic comb. The eyes were from some adhesive half beads. The wings (meant to resemble bat wings when a bat is on the ground) were made from paper towel covered in PVA glue. The limbs were Super Glued in the desired pose. The hand claws now protrude from under the wings, and this hides that the digits do not follow the edges of the wings as they do in bats, something I would have preferred.

I wasn't sure if I would leave the tail as it is not part of the creature I intend to depict, but it looks so good and balances the figure that I left it.

The first pics show the creature spray painted white. The hair was covered in paper tape but some of the white got through. It doesn't really matter as this might suit that it is an undead creature.

He looks like a cross between a bulldog, a bat, Larry of the Three Stooges and Marty Feldman. Why is he smiling?

Actually, come to think on it, the creature looked better before I spray painted it, but we shall see what it looks like when it is painted.

  This creature is based on one from a Games Workshop Vampire Counts list. Full disclosure can be expected in a future post. One thing is for sure - the beast will see battle next wargame.


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