Expeditionary Force Alexander The Great

 Alexander the Great was like a large shooting star, bright and short lived. His military achievements and the size of his empire from Greece to Afghanistan were impressive. The empire was held together by one man and when he died it broke up into smaller kingdoms.

    I had not yet assembled or painted an Expeditionary Force figure but Alexander is going to be my first. He comes with a set of Companion cavalry. All have a choice of weapon arm and the big cat saddle cloth. I'm not sure if they would all have this luxury or just Alexander.

  To give size comparisons Alexander at 1/300 scale is shown next to a figure I converted from a Herald Life Guard which is a small 1/32.

  I also show him next to a Supreme Greek. The scale is similar but the EF figures are chunkier.

                                                             The parts come like this.
I bought two boxes so I'll have two alexander's. I could make one just rank and file or I might paint an extra one for sale. What should I ask for it though? The figures themselves are not cheap and I'd want enough of a price to pay for my time.

This is subjective but I generally prefer 1/32 to 1/30 (54mm and 60mm). I have to use super Glue which is a devil at sticking finger together. There was some work getting the animal head to stay in place at the join on the saddle cloth. This animal skin, as a separate piece also stands away, slightly from the horse's body. Although the holes for the hooves looked good the last one at the front buckled the horse leg when I forced it in. I could add they are pricey but I suppose one pays for quality.

The sculpting and detail are sensational. There are spare arms and also a spare helmeted head and plume for Alexander. The horses are lively. The weapons are in a differnt color with swords being silver. They and figures in genral are a fairly firm, non-buckling plastic (the exception being forcing the horse leg to an awkward angle to plug in hole).


I wanted to see how everything fit together but for the other figures I am going to paint he cloaks separately from bodies. This means the heads will need to be kept off until the cloaks are painted and glued to the painted bodies. The heads can either be painted separatey (possibly after being temporarily glued to a holder)


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