Op Shop Mini Subamarine With Claw And Cutter

 This was a recent find in a local op shop. Just what I am going to do with it I have not decided yet. Should I keep it as a sub or give it wheels or track as a land vehicle?

   I haven't tired any underwater wargames for the same reason I don't do battles in space; it is hard to realistically represent such a battle with so many possible levels of elevation.

  Any suggestions for color scheme and type of vehicle are welcome.


  1. Mike Bunkermeister CreekJuly 31, 2023 at 1:31ā€ÆPM

    It has tracks and a propeller so that means it is the type of submarine that is used to do heavy work on the seafloor. Like installing, repairing or sabotaging undersea cables and pipelines. The propeller would be used only when heading to the surface so mostly it's on the bottom. I would say either battleship gray or bright gloss yellow.


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