Poor Prince Vucic

 Prince Vucic displayed incredible heroism in the face of an enormous dragon. The Beersteiners recovered his body after the battle and found signs of life in the horribly burnt 'corpse'. Although much of the skin was burnt away from his face his heart still beat.

  At a later time, when Vucic had recovered, the Beersteiners, much impressed by his valor, and in a rare chivalrous gesture to a Bogavanian, allowed him to retain his armor and weapons and freedom of movement. Vucic had sworn he would not try to escape, and no-one doubted his word.

  Vucic's armor is still, partially blackened, except for the recently polished gold-plated helmet. In fact, Vucic later had his armor painted black and here he has had an artist add yellow and red flames to the design, later to be made a permanent addition.


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