More Cheapo Cowboys And Indians

Lately I have been picking up a lot of cheap plastic Hong Kong or Made in China stuff from local op shops.
This is not super collectible stuff but there are useful and interesting items.

Below are some of the ones I'll keep. The rest will go on my Sunday market stall. Top left and second row left are some US cavalry figures. These are one piece copies of Timpo Swoppet figures. The other three top figures are copies of Timpo cowboys. The brown Indian with shield is a copy of a Herald Indian. I like this figure because the dagger can be replaced with a spear, axe or sword. Because of its small size I might make this figure into a goblin. The other brown Indian is also a copy but I forget what the original figure was. The bottom figures are copies of Airfix but what I like is how the chief and the bowmen are combinations of foot with mounted figures. The faces are nicely defined and I actually like these figures better than the originals!

 I was brought up with Timpo Swoppets but Timpo often become brittle, unlike their clones. I might paint these and even convert them into quite different figures. That US cavalry flag pole reminds me of an AWOI spontoon. Some of the Indians, and possibly the cowboy rider with Laso, I might make into Mongols or my Fezian warriors.


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