Army Composition For The Next ACW Game And Projects

 Mat and I did the dice rolls for Army A and Army B. Obviously, this random generation could be done for any period with replacement of cavalry with tanks etc., as necessary for the time.

  Anyhow this what we came up with:

 Army A: 4 Infantry, 5 cannons, 2 Cavalry. 

Army B: 2 Infantry, 3 cannons, 4 Cavalry

   As you can see, there were no 6s and only one 5. There is no huge discrepancy in army size and the armies are small, smaller than in our last game but a little different in character. We decided to have no extra advantages for one side over the other.

  We next diced off to see who would have first choice of army. Mat won and chose Army B. He has a more mobile army whilst I have a more shooty one.

  I like to command Confederate armies so Army A is of the CSA although Mat's army looks more Confederate in composition.

   The setting up stage will involve determining who has which side of the table (or garden, if we play outside on the lawn), who sets up first and who gets first move. An outside game might favor a cavalry heavy army, especially if it wins the set up first roll so it knows the enemy positions and has a chance of outflanking.

  Generally we have been having victory conditions based on number of enemy units destroyed/vanquished plus table quarters free of enemy troops and occupied by one's own troops.

  Mat has some work commitments so we won't be playing this game until Thursday next week. I'll be reporting and posting pics.


I set up the Xmas tree and put my nutcracker figures on it. I am playing with the idea of an Xmas table skirmish with my daughter. it depends if she feel like humoring me.

   I have undercoated my latest ElastoWit figures with Modge Podge but the directions for MP say to let it cure a few weeks before painting over it! I also overcoated my already painted ElastoWit FFL figures with MP. That has removed the tackiness when paint is applied to these figures. I also have an assortment of odds and ends painted that I'll feature in a future post.

  Campaign: I have a lot of scenario writing to do, map making etc, and have put it off but hope to get stuck into it over the next two weeks. I also need to finalize points/troops lists for the four countries involved. I am also painting an extra mameluke unit for Fezia and intend to make, for it, a unique musket unit. The inspiration is sepoy units for the East India Company but instead of red they might have purple coats. They will be made from BMC Alamo Mexicans with shako peaks removed. Trousers will be orange or white. The flag might be based on an ancient Sumerian Moon god symbol. I could also just use my painted Alamo Mexicans with new flags! 

  Bogavanians, what's left of them, will have AWOI Americans and Napoleonic French for troops. I also have some AIP War of 1812 figures I might paint up in blue coats and white trousers so I can also use them as Napoleonic or War of 1812 figures and even early ACW militia.  Beerstein will include AWOI and Napoleonic British.

  I figure that as we move more and more into 18th century equivalent there is not a huge differnce between 18th century warfare and early 1800s. We are playing a fantasy game so why not intermix them?

  The figures below were use in our OZZZ games but can be given new flags for our big fantasy campaign.


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