ElastoWit SF Figures Painted

 One of my main present-day collecting bugs centers on ElastoWit of Ukraine and the Sf figures are my favorites.

  First up is the dwarf character from a Robert Heinlein novel. The main weapons of the inhabitants on a generation starship are throwing and stabbing knives. They no longer know their history and think the huge ship is the universe.

  The other characters' origin is unknown to me so someone will probably enlighten us.
  The robot is suitably retro and goofy but menacing. Originally SF depictions of most robots showed them as boxy, slow moving and large.

   The alien with claws is probably the scariest as it looks predatory. On the other hand, it has a big braincase. I might be overthinking this, but claws have limited manipulative value, so I'd expect something more like fingers to compliment the possible intelligence. But then again, we can just say it is a mutant so that solves all problems. There is no reason not to include it in a sword and sorcery setting as much as an SF one.

  The figure on the far right looks like a cyborg of some kind, and a nasty looking one at that.


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