Resin Copy Of Lone Star Mexican Painted


I am fairly happy with the results of my mold making and paint scheme. The resin, itself, takes paint well and is strong. The color scheme began with the original, based on traces of paint that remained (except that, I think, his pants or chaps were also blue. Of course, I added much more detail than what was on an original factory painted toy figure.

  For a figure which is supposedly a crude kid's toy, a decent paintjob shows it to be quite a nice figure.

  I intend to make a few more of these, although with different weapons - daggers have limited battle. alternatively, I might use them for manning cannons. 

  Given the absence of a firearm this figure could serve from early 19th to early 20th century.

  Below. at bottom, is an irregular lancer from the Mexican War of the 1840s. The picture is from the Osprey book on this topic.



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