Herman Victory At Borgenfluffen

 The dice and matchstick gun gods were unkind to Blusia. First, the Hermans battlefield intelligence gave them the initiative and then a limber explosion cost Blusia an estimated one quarter of its men. Als, the Blusian Spider Walker was beset but repeated malfunctions. On the other hand, the Spider managed to drive off the Herman grenadiers from their gun emplacement on the factory.


The Church of Hereafter lies in ruins.

The Horror of war. A Blusian head sits on the ruin. Remarkably, the kepi still sits on the head.
In sheer reckless desperation, or incredible courage, the Blusian zouaves attack Captain Von Stinky's Shark Tank. They failed to damage it. (They need 12s on D12s)

                                          Herman infantry again move forward after the destruction of the Blusian Land Ship. The land ship lost its last hull point after being rammed by Captain Von Stinky's Shark Tank, twice.
  The inside of the Land Ship.

  The Blusian Spider Tank.
  A destroyed Busian heavy gun and armored tractor
  After a stalwart defense of the factory, Blusian Spider Tank guns finally drive off the Herman grenadiers.
  On the Herman left flank Herman infantry retreat after facing accurate fire from the Blusian Legionaries.
                                                 Herman rifle regiment greatly diminished
                                                    The Legionaries keep up a deadly fire. 
                                                      Abandoned Blusian heavy gun


Mat just sent me these which includes a nice pic of the Blusian artillery crew.


 Mat and I have started generated heroes and generals for our upcoming fantasy campaign. Hopefully we will make a start in a couple of weeks. it will actually be virtually two campaigns happening simultaneously with mat's Fezia and Bogavania fighting Aztecia and my Beerstein fighting Necrolia, land of the Undead. (Mat will take over the role of the Undead and I'll take over the role of the Aztecs).

Big advantages of the Undead will be some very strong and nasty characters and monsters and also requiring fewer credits to supply its 'troops'. Advantages for the Aztecs include the use of dinosaurs!

  Bogavania, Fezia and Beerstein have the advantages of improved artillery and musketry. Also they  can spend funds on priests, churches and high priests/archbishops. These have some ability to heal wounds, counter magic attacks and crumble the undead. Paradoxically these countries can also spend fund on wizards. The Beersteiners also have crusaders that have magic resistance. One disadvantage I am making for the Undead is that vampires must have coffin wagons in the same hex or adjoining hex. If these are captured or destroyed the whols army must retreat to the starting point to get new coffins.Also, if there are no leaders the Undead start to crumble and will continue to do so each move.


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