War Approaches On New Earth - Aztecs, Fezians, Bogavanians, Beersteiners and the Undead!

 Tensions are at a new high on New Earth and something has to give. Today I am going to examine the events in Aztecia.

  The Fezians, long ago, took over North Aztecia and also brutally put down some Aztec rebellions. However, Aztecia proper has maintained its independence and improved its military might. The Aztecs have even adopted some of the more technologically advanced traits of Fezians, Westerners and others. They have begun, tentatively, to use horses. The horses were obtained from wild ones from the land of the Silver Horde, the Patrans or, possibly, ones captured from the Fezians. The light cavalry is poor and not trained to shoot bows from horseback however it is useful for scouting and guarding wagons (another change with the discovery of the usefulness of wheels). A small number of Aztecs have also begun to equip themselves with metal armor and weapons.

  Gunpowder remains a mystery, and the Aztecs have no cannons or firearms.

  For once the Aztecs are going to use their secret weapons obtained from their darkest deepest jungles - dinosaurs trained from hatchings to provide heavy support for the Aztec armies. These are huge lumbering herbivores but also something even more menacing ... and hungry.


The Aztecs share a narrow border with North Aztecia but the Fezians have no settlements there so must travel from inside Fezia, proper. The land of Aztecia includes much heavy tropical forest. The Aztecs have many temples, some taking very large forms of step pyramids. The Aztecs do not have walled forts, something which might be a military disadvantage.


Aztec society is headed by the god-king, Tizoc, who at age 36, is known for his great kindness in helping his people with gifts and regular sacrifices to the gods to ensure rain for crops and that the sun comes up every day. He has also taken an exceptional interest in military affairs and makes a worthy battlefield commander. A shipwrecked Beersteiner warrior once acted as his military tutor. He is also accomplished in use of weapons, including the old obsidian ones and the new steel ones. He is tough despite a recurrent illness which occasionally causes seizures. This is, however, seen a s a sign of the gods. At the unusual height of six foot, ten he towers over most Aztecs.

  Next there were the priestly cast followed by the elite warriors who dressed in real or contrived animal skins such as jaguar and eagle. Below them were the common people with craftsmen regarded most highly and slaves at the very bottom.


  The people of Aztecia include Aztecs, Toltecs, Maya, Incas and other pre-Columbian native American peoples. Supposedly, there were some individuals who had come from further afield, where no-one was quite sure. Some were even said to have originated on the planet Mars. What everyone did know was that the gods had brought them to their land and had protected them for centuries until the green Mist dissipated and the Fezians arrived on their doorstep. Relations more cordial were also initiated with the Patrans and Aztec bowmen and slingers had even offered their services in a recent war between Patra and Fezia.


The bitter past between Fezia and Aztecia is always bubbling under the surface but Tizoc was eager to establish good relations. When the Fezian emissary, Farook Mehet, arrived in the capital, Teetletotal, the ultimate honor was bestowed upon him. He was made into a messenger to the gods. The priests were ecstatic about the size of the strong Fezian heart which continued to pulse for an unusually long time after removal from Mehet's body. The priests, caked in dried blood from past sacrifices, danced for a long time in the skins of former sacrifices. The messenger was also given the honor of his body being fed to the ordinary people assembled at the base of the pyramid, after it was rolled down the steep steps.

  Despite the good omens and healthy heart Mehet made quite an unseemly and loud fuss about his circumstances. Fortunately, the priests knew their business and his protests were cut short with the dipping of the blade.

  It took some months before the Fezians were aware that their ambassador had met a grizzly and sacrilegious fate. The sultan decided he must be avenged, and the Aztecs shown the true faith of the Crescent Moon instead of their devil worship.


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