August Purchases - Hollowcasts & Paints

I recently bought a group of old hollowcast figures, mostly WW2 and with a single WW1 and four Timpo knights. They cost me $90 which was reasonable, even with a few broken figures. Originally they had been advertised for over $400 (Aus).

The seller wanted cash and pickup so I had to travel to Melbourne to collect them. I travelled by train which was a lot cheaper than driving but I lost my new glasses somewhere on the way, which well and truly nullified that saving. They probably fell out of my bag. (I wear midrange and distance glasses, and they were my midrange ones).

The mildly interesting backstory to the figures was that the toy soldiers had belonged to a bandsman from the 70s pop group, The Mixtures, best known for the Pushbike Song.

 There were three cannons, one missing its wheels.
  The Timpo knights were one of the big attractions. They are unusual with their soft plumes. The foot knight has a broken sword and is missing his plume. One of the horses is missing the tip of a leg.
                                    The Timpo casual poses are unusual in Toy Soldier Land. I have home-cast copies but now I also have the originals. The walking wounded is also nice, and I might make some castings from him. The figure in tape is a flamethrower with lose head and the tip broken off the weapon.

  The searchlight was the other thing which grabbed my attention. The box with dials painted on is also interesting. Someone will tell me what it is. I thought it was maybe a radio.
  I also visited Hearns Hobbies and bought these Vallejo paints and Tamiya putty. Vallejo is a favorite of mine. Tamiya putty is good for filling gaps and adding moustaches and beards to figures. I also bought two civilian kit sets that I'll feature in another post and some wire. I spend $170 in that shop, but it is only once or twice a year that I go there.



  1. Some good stuff in there - I'm very jealous of your searchlight!


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