West Point Cadets into Central American Guards

 Some time ago I painted a number of these smaller Marx West Pointers. I already have a unit of the larger 60mm ones so they are not serving much use. I also had painted some as ceremonial central Americans but I have forgotten which country - maybe Guatemala. Anyhow, I have begun to repaint these WPs into the red uniforms I'll probably use them as Beersteiners for a later era.

  I just needed to add the red uniform and a few new details. Although the rifle is too short, I could also get away with using these as early ACW militia in grey or in red). I'll have to research that one. I had, as a boy, a Tell Me Why book of the ACW which had an illustration of militia in red jackets and black shakoes. It could be just artistic license. There were definitely units, on both sides, in shakoes and blue or grey jackets some that were tailed like these ones. Ultimately, I'll use them in fantasy settings.


  1. Good plan.. I think I have a few of these chaps in a box somewhere.


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