Battle Of The Lone Palm Part 2, Fezian Victory!

 The battle for Hex 204, North Aztecia, was a bloody one. But the Aztec attempt to take back their previously conquered land looked like it would come to nought. The Fezians advance on the Aztecs, the advanced Aztec heavy unit shown here virtually wiped out and about to be captured.

                                        (That standard was made from an Xmas cracker toy!)
  Things did not go all the Fezians way as, in one corner of the battlefield, numbers finally won out to kill the genie. (Actually, he has at least one life left so will come back in a future battle).

                                                            Some very furry terrain...
                    The Aztecs closed ranks but were looking for an exit. However, in a minor victory, Mercenary Hillmen are seen here fleeing after suffering great casualties.
                       The Aztec Wizard transformed himself into a feral manticore and attacked the closest enemy - the Fezian general - and killed him with the Killing Blow! The Fezians shot their arrows at the manticore, without doing any damage! Then the sorceress beast attacked the Fezian hero killing him also! Then the manticore was finally felled by greater numbers. (All three characters will come back in another episode of the campaign. The wizard will return to human form but will be a prisoner).
     Happier moments for the genie. He slaughtered many warriors before meeting his end.
                              The Fezian regular musket men are pushed off the battlefield by the stegadon. Shortly after this a unit of Fezian shield and sword men charged the beast and eventually killed it. The howdah men and high priest jumped clear but were captured.

    Meanwhile the Aztecs had lost over half their warriors and had only one missile unit, one elite unit, two other units of sword and shield men left and two additional units had already been pushed back off the field. General Hzil was looking for an exit. Fortunately, at that moment, a vision of an Aztec goddess appeared in the sky and a thick fog descended on the battlefield. Hzil had already sent his supply wagons into Hex A2. As some of his men fought a rear guard the rest made a retreat from the battlefield.

   A Third part will list the units involved and explain some other aspects of the battle.


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