Goblin Intermission - Goblin Archers & Zebra/Ape Rider Conversions

 Before writing my conclusion to the last epic campaign wargame I was led astray to doing some more work on my conversions of cheapo 'under-scale' American Indians, previously shown unpainted. These are copies of copies etc. of Herald mounted Indian and West German Indian archers.

  After a fruitless search for a suitable rooster or hen for the rider I decided on something different and found a box of small plastic animals. Originally, I bought them for head transplants on humans to make Beastmen.

  The zebra looked about right but a bit boring for a goblin mount, so I replaced the head with an ape's head. I might well add a lion mane or/and trim down the top of the neck as the head got placed lower than it should have. I also shall add saddle and reins.

  I also decided to add a bit of a cloak to one figure to hide a malformed arm; I'll paint it black like the other clothing. The quiver was added from Green Stuff.

  I did not add extra long noses like i do on some other goblin figures.

Most people would not look twice at such 'crappy' donor figures, but I enjoy using them for SOMETHING.

  Noone can say I am NOT whimsical and lateral thinking in my Frankenstein projects.

  At a future date I'll post the figures fully painted and based.


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