Mass Speed Painting

 On finding that I need two new units I have embarked on a painting job involving over fifty figures.

I wanted another unit of Aztec archers and delved into my American Indian boxes to scrounge 24 of them. In the process I also got diverted into making some goblin warriors! The three figures below were 'undersized at about 40mm size. I trimmed off feathers and legging fringes and added putty hoods and cape. One of them will be riding a creature, probably a big chicken! The archers are copies of Jecsan.

  Below are the Indians with white items painted and feathers and loin cloths painted green.

  The Fezians are made from BMC Alamo Mexicans! You might have noticed, in the last post, that I had two Mexican units on the table. I picked them to represent eFzia copying some Western styles with tailed coats and shakoes. Another idea, I have had for some time, is doing an India Mutiny Indian unit. The sepoys, both those who remained loyal to the British East India Company and mutineers had a peak-less shako. These fellows will have red jackets. I was tempted to paint the jackets purple but decided to aim for the historical colors in case I ever decide to do a Mutiny game. I elected to paint all white items first. I painted trousers and crossbelts a cream color and then dry brushed white. I used a large brush and just did it all in a hurry, not worrying about white paint on the jacket areas.
  Below, the Aztecs: I didn't worry too much about historical authenticity although I modified a few token figures to have 'man buns' (designed to ward off blows to the head. But they are ultimately joining a fantasy army, so I am using a few colors to tie the unit together. In reality Aztec bowmen looked fairly plain and didn't go in for feathers much. I really like that figure at top left, second from left, which is a cereal copy of Crescent. I already have a whole unit of these figures.
                                                     I added the black shakoes to the sepoys.
             These are the paints I used on the Aztecs, with the lighter Games Workshop color for dry brushing. I use a lot of GW and Model Color paints but also sample acrylic pots from the hardware and paints from craft lines.


  1. That's a big lot to paint!
    Do you rebase some of them? I see some of the indians/Azteks have really narrow bases.

  2. They will all be based. Ideally, I should have done so before painting but I wanted to get started with painting quickly. The question ten is should I base some multiples to one base as it speeds up changing formation? Usually, I compromise and have at least half on individual bases to allow for situations where a figure is ascending a ladder or whatever.


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