The Aztecs Assemble & Ramp Up Recruitment


Our wargame got delayed until next Tuesday, which is just as well as assembling the troops is taking a while and I need to paint two more units by then!

As mentioned elsewhere, I am rather eclectic in my use of figures and have conscripted many 'Plains Indians' into the Aztec forces. Some have been converted but others have no significant alteration.
                                                The Sorcerer and High Priest rally the men!
                                         A mixed elite force of Jaguar, Eagle and other knights.
At left is another elite unit in black and white. At right is an armored unit which has included some Patran adventurers.
Some of the dark skinned Ebons have also been recruited and can be seen in the front rank. They usually appear in Fezian armies. but it is suspected that they had a falling out with their commander and also that they were tempted by Aztec gold offered as payment.
Aztecia has managed to bring its larger army onto the battlefield on Fezia's left flank. Each side has two armies in the coming battle with Fezian numbers about 300 and Aztecian 260. The Aztecs also have two dinosaurs and the Fezians four artillery pieces, one which will be arriving from reserve. Both sides have a 'normal' wizard but the fezians also have a genie who can assume gigantic proportions. It could be that up to five units of Fezian troops could also be held in reserve as the Fezians attempt to keep their initial distance from surprise attack by the Aztecs.


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