More ElastoWit Acquisitions - Dick Tracy, Wild West and Space Opera

Johnny Yuma was an old TV Western, one which I have not seen but the premise is an e-Confederate fighting for justice. The card which goes with it is seen below. This is a hard resin figure and immaculately sculpted Even the sawn-off shotgun barrels are hollowed out. On a technical point the bullet loops on the belt place him at least ten years after the Civil War and I wonder if the grey Confederate kepi would have survived that long.

                         The header for the bag of Space Opera 5 showing the movie Flash Gordon.
                                 The latest Space Opera set, this time all Flash Gordon figures. I love these figures. I would certainly like a unit of hawkmen for wargames. One idea I have for making more is attaching wings from Yowie birds to Vikings or assorted barbarians. Another is making some resin copies of this excellent figure. Ultimately, I will run Flash Gordon wargame. My childhood exposure to Flash Gordon was through a Gold key comic.

  What I really like is the variety of creatures and peoples and the combination of archaic and modern weaponry. (The same kind of thing was in John Carter of mars and the Trigan Empire comic).

                                        Ming the Merciless in action pose and the rebel prince.
                                                 Lion man
                                        Flash with ray rifle. (An earlier set had him with a pistol).
                               Hawkman and princess (Ming's daughter who switched sides).

     Dick Tracey and 'friends'. I am not going to state all their names, as I forget them, but they are all villains except for Tracy and the figure with club and pistol. The figures are slightly caricatured as they give tribute to a comic strip. These figures could be used as partisans, security undercover police or just gangsters,

                Johnny Yuma and gambler with derringer. I can't recall seeing any other Western figurine with derringer. The sawn-off shotty is also uncommon. They both have oval bases that I have not glued on.



  1. I have not seen Johnny Yuma, but I'm a great fan of both old westerns and Flash Gordon, so it will be interesting to see what you make of these miniatures.
    When I was a kid I was introduced to Flash Gordon by comics and the old BW movies. I did not see that new Flash Gordon movie until several years later. - And kind of liked the old movies from the 30ies better...

    When converting my Airfix knock-off Cowboys I also wanted to equip one of them with a short barreled shotgun. I ended up 3D-printing one (intended for Lego-figures) and making it fit the figure. What was nice about this 3D-printed shotgun was thet the barrels was narrow but hollow. On the June Workbench blogpost I posted a photo of him before and after. In a gaming scenario I think the shortened shotgun will share the same characteristics as a 'Sub machine gun'; high firepower with spread on short range.


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