Beersteiner Wagon Guard

 The Beersteiner wagon guard has one of the most colorful uniforms in Beerstein. The threats to supply wagons from Beerstein's many enemies have occasioned this new arm to the Beersteiner army. Still in its infancy, only some supply baggage trains have so far received this armed escort. The soldiers are generally armed with the rifled Bertha flintlocks. Some also carry smoothbores and blunderbusses. The cut of the uniform is new, featuring plastron fronts. The lime green cuffs feature the branch color of the wagon guard. However, the individual guards are allowed some latitude in choice of headgear. These two fellows wear the helmets more commonly associated with the Beersteiner mounted troops.

The wagon is Dulcop and the horses are Britains draft horses. The two guards are my resin copies of ElastoWit 95th Riflemen with a Timpo knight's head with plumes and a metal casting of an English Civil War Roundhead.


  1. Your re-casts turnes out fine!
    I really like that supply wagon.


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