Space Girls

 My first Space Girls were Airfix and the Britains Detail series. Since then I have found additional sources and also my resin reproductions. I am a big promoter of female inclusion but I couldn't wait for International Women's Day so here goes:

BELOW: L to R, ElastoWit Barbarella, two other ladies, one being Dale from 'Flash Gordon' and I think the other from Buck Rogers, but I forget which is which, and the Britains figure. The last one has removable helmet, head and weapon as well as the base being removable. The Detail Space people were of a different plastic from the other Detail range and more prone to brittleness with age.

  Left to right, original Airfix, unpainted and painted, two of my resin copies, one with added helmet, MPC lady at controls and the others.

                I tend to mix skin tones until I get what I want, so there is some variation.

                                                    Another figure - the planet is a nice touch.


  1. Re-casted and painted already?!!
    - They certainly looks good James!

  2. Yes, when I like figures enough, I paint them quickly. James


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