Skeleton Warriors Based & Bogavanian Heroes

 A single figure was painted by Mat for the Bogavanian army. Mat spent a long time on one figure! I added a few extra details and based him.

 The figure at left is a conversion I featured several posts ago and I intended as another Bogavanian hero.

                                      These are my latest skeleton warriors with basing added.

My basing is somewhat variable with medieval infantry tending to be 4 by 4 cm and later periods and ancients closer to 3 by 4. However, the smaller size is tending to be my fallback position. 

  These figures also have the mixed terrain treatment. They have a PVA glue plus mixed sand and sometimes tea leaves which is painted sand color, given a brown wash and then given an uneven glue coating with green grass flock added. Some figures I give more grass than others. Usually, I go for a mix as who knows what terrain they will be atop? The only thing is it does look out of place on castle walls. Clear plast bases might solve the problem but they would still look like - plastic.


  1. For the reasons you're mentioning I'm trying to keep my bases so small as possible, and just large enough to asily keep a miniature standing, so any differences won't be too obvious.

    1. Yes, too big and they look awkward but too small and figures fall over. Most of my games involve a few hundred figures, which is why the bases need to be bigger than the original ones because the figures would otherwise knock each other over. I also use movement trays to facilitate faster moves.
      As for multifigure basing I have arrived at a compromise where most figures or half of the figures are separately based and the rest on two figures, three figure and four figure bases.
      if I have a melee happening between two units of human sized figures with one with slightly bigger bases then I count figures in contact based on the bigger bases. My fantasy and medieval melee rules are based on figures being in base-to-base contact plus, potentially, an overlapping one each side and the rear rank with three ranks involved with sears and pikes. Combat resolution also has rank bonuses and flag bonuses. (Warhammer influenced). James

  2. ...-And a Happy New Year James!
    I'm looking forward to follow your blog and activities in 2025.

    1. Thanks Roger. I always look forward to your comments and your new blog posts.


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