Beast Men, Conversions From Red Indians In 60mm

 Here is something else to do with the cheapo Indians I earlier reviewed - Beast Men. I also got a bag of plastic animals from the op shop. These, and the Indians, were decapitated. Some copper wire and Super Glue and some moments later there were some new Beast men.

                                                     Below, ant eater and cow bull head.

                                                    Another bovine type with war hammer

                                                                    Leopard head
                           I'll be adding shields and some putty 'beefing up' on the bovine warriors.

                               There was no special reason to remove the loin cloths and fringes. 

I'll be adding these to my assorted Beast Man figures. They will serve as mercenaries, part of a Chaos army or a force in their own right.

  I also have some ElastoWit figures of Beast Men that will, eventually, serve alongside these.


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