Beastmen Come Out of the Sun.

What I really meant was they have the Sun behind them. If they came out of the Sun they would be in bad shape. Theat was kind of stupid of me as the photos would have been better with the Sun behind me.

Anyhow this is a very mixed unit of Beastmen. A number of them are conversions.

 At some point I'll include some better photos. My Beastman compatible figures include one or two scorpion men and a small unit of centaurs. So far, the Beastmen have just been part of my Chaos army but I'd like them to be a power in their own right. To do that I am going to have to convert a lot of American Indians and. or medievals. I also have two or three of units of mutants that will do as allies.

  As their numbers are so small as an independent force I'll restrict them to either part of a Chaos force, mercenaries, or inhabitants of a small island.


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