Crescent Armored Car
I had a dark green Crescent Saladin car given to me, in the 1960s, by my father. It came with ammunition limber and cannon. He also gave me a box of Airfix HO US Marines and a box of HO German infantry. The figures were way too small for the vehicle, but they could be easily shot down with matchsticks from the car and cannon. As a boy, I found this was very pleasing! The vehicle is, on the other hand, a tad small for 54mm figures. I still have the car somewhere but the one in the photo is one I bought at a much later date. I don't know if the light green is the original color. I think the plastic GI is a Timpo figure.
The firing mechanism is very reliable, and I used it to fire cotton bud sticks in a Funny Little Wars game. There were no armored cars in the game, but the Saladin was used to fire from in place toy cannons.
The burst radius was six inch for light and medium guns and 9 inch for heavy ones. The lethality depended on the strength of the gun; light guns affected 50%, medium 75%, heavy 100% . Save were 5 or 6 for light and medium and 6 for heavy.
I found the cotton buds more accurate than matchsticks. The trick, though is to not depress the barrel too much or it will likely fall short and don't aim to high or it will just clip your opponent's ear.
That looks like a very nice vehicle. If it somewhere between H0/00 and 54mm scale, I would suggest that it perhaps might be 1:45 scale or equivalent to the model railway O gauge. It looks lie it had been darker green as there are some few very smal darker paint chippings left there.