My Toy Soldier Swap-meet approaches

 Thanks to all the regular readers who also comment on my posts. It is very encouraging, and I am also interested to hear your thoughts. (I think Roger has broken the record).

  Here is another heads-up. It is getting very close to my swap-meet, March 1, in Sandringham, Melbourne. You can message me for details.

  I am presently packing my swaps. As I am hosting this one and driving rather than flying I'll be able to take a lot more stuff. There will be everything from Warhammer to Timpo. I have decided to bid farewell to much of my Timpo collection.

   You can bring ships and planes as well as toy soldiers...

                                                    Just a reminder, this event is in Australia.

  No dogs will be present...

Everyone interested in toy soldiers is invited. Some might have to fly here.

  All sized people...
  Bring your friends...
                                                 Some people might be spaced out...

  Unfortunately, Emily Blunt declined my invite...
These people might not be there either...

                                                You never know what you might find there.
                                                               So, bring your buddies.

                                                     These are metaphorical dogs, only.

                                   You can meet all kinds of people at a toy soldier swap-meet.


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