This Indian was among my odds and sods Western box. I quite liked the figure but it lacked a loin cloth so I added one from paper tape and coated it in PVA. I was tempted to replace the knife with a spear but in the end left it.Indians generally didn't wear trousers but high leggings and loin cloth to cover the parts that would otherwise be exposed. Just as well as they could be scary enough with all that excited jumping and dancing around without the pale faces having to contend with all those additional jingly bits.

The base had a little square indentation and no brand or country printed on it. I thin it was made in England - maybe Speedwell?

I realise now that the tips of the feathers at the rear must be painted black to match the front.

I happened to be painting khaki Syldavians so I used the same colour for the buckskins, although usually I'd paint them a lighter sand or faun colour. The card base has some tea and crushed herb leaves on it.


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