Repairs, Paintjobs And Conversions From the Work Bench Continued

 As I have said, before, I have a soft spot for Charbens figures. I didn't have them as a child but I like their robust and animated look. I also enjoyed adding the flame to this flame thrower, something I have done before with German flame throwers. In reality the real flame on a fame thrower went much further but it is hard enough to maintain balance with a toy flame this big. I will add a base to make sure he does not fall over.

                               Although I had Timpo figures as a child I did not have the one piece ones but I like them too, so much so that I decided to repair this one. The figure had already been well soaked in PVA by Dave Palmer who once owned it. The reason was it was beginning to break into smaller pieces, something Timpo are prone to do. I'll paint the arm in the next day or so.


                              The cowboy just underwent a hat conversion. I decided it was too small and the crown was to the side. The thing is black hat or white hat? The chaps look like they could be wool skin but what self respecting cowboy would wear such a thing?  The Indian has had a putty loin cloth added, something strangely overlooked by sculptors of toy American Indians. 

    The British mounted officer has a proper face now and is close to finished. Now, what color was the saddle blanket? The trousers also need to be painted a lighter khaki.

                               Figures undercoated with Games Workshop bone spray paint.


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