Michael Caine & Friends - British Mounted Officers & Others

 This post began about my 'Zulu' Michael Caine conversion but I decided to include a selection of mounted officers. In the first pictures you can see, in the foreground, two plastic officers, the first being in heavy cavalry uniform and based on fellow collector les Collier; this is a conversion from Charbens British bobby. The horse is a little mule-like. The other plastic figure is Napoleonic Timpo Action Pack figure on Britains Detail horse.

   Variations on a hollowcast Britains: Left Michael Caine figure, second from left, British general, third Lifegurd (rank and file or officer), last, unaltered hollowcast.
I like to have some figures looking to the side. it getrs away from the rigid parade ground look, which is not what I always want. 


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