More Napoleonics: Italeri and Reamsa



Reamsa Napoleonics. The three figures in the first two photos are intended to be used as Mexicans for the Texan War of Independence or as Napoleonics, probably French. They could also be used as early 19th century Americans.

                             This Reamsa figure has so far been used to fill out my Bavarian/Quadling regiment.
                                                           Timpo Action Pack Prussians
                                        Italeri Hungarian infantry. Strictly speaking I should use them as Austrians because Hungarians had tight trousers rather than gaiters. The facing colors varied with different regiments. Next time I'll trim them to so represent. Anyhow, these are really nice figures and uniform so I might aim to get enough figures for a regiment.
    A Reamsa figure in bicorne. I painted him in such a way as he could be French Revolutionary War period. he could also have been painted as a Russian, Spanish, certain German states and so on. Italeri also did figures in bicornes.
I have had only a passing interest in the Napoleonic Wars but as I add more units to my Ozzz Quadling forces and imagi-nations I'll soon have enough for a small battle of the Napoleonic period.


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