A Closer Look At My Old Leads ACOTS Aquisition

 As mentioned in the previous post I obtained from the swap-meet about 80 lead pieces. Some are so awful that current flat plastic army men would compare favorably. others are nice figures and some are just quaint.

BELOW: A kneeling aluminum French WW1 soldier which looks remarkably like a plastic Armies in Plastic one. The cowboy with lasso is semi flat but has nice animation and 'charm'. the horse's legs are mangled but I have an idea for this figure. (Stay tuned for a post 'some time' in the future).

                          Assorted marching and riding figures needing a lot of time and care! The marching and riding bare metal ones are much smaller than what I normally use but they just need paint jobs. They look like Prussians.
The cowboy is a nice figure which would benefit from a paint job. The little sailor at right looks like a small boy - or a Munchkin sailor!
                             The Britains Arab is useful, but care is needed with the horse legs. The kneeling figure has a new head, possibly a plastic one from the Britains Eyes Right series.
I am gradually adding to my old style metal WW1 and WW2 figures. Some appear to be home castings. These will get some nice paint jobs. The drummer needs new legs - terrible thing, war!
                        Injuns!  Again, they will be spruced up and placed with my others. maybe the ram can be a mascot for some unit as I vaguely recall a British unit having one.
 The cowboy with no head is a Timpo meant to be tied to a tree. he would be easy to fix although I won't try to restore to original look; I'll just find a nice head and tree - or stake! The mounted one with bare head has a plastic head and some very rough repair on the horse legs. The other mounted cowboy would need a lot of work but the way the bare head is turned looks good and it was once a nice figure so we will see.

These semi flat figures at bottom are well animated and are tempting me away from my usually purely fully rounded figures. I'll probably paint them. I am going to assume the officer is French. The wounded figure is missing his left hand but maybe that is the point - that is his injury! The two Indians are also lively figures. I'll probably go for a very old-fashioned toy finish with these figures.
The two highlanders at left are nice figures and appear undamaged. Then there are more WW2 figures in various condition. The undercoated cavalryman needs a new horse leg and will be fixed at some stage.
The semi flat Prussians are at various levels of damage, but I'll paint up at least two of them as i alrady have a few that can be supplemented. These figures were often home-cast.

  The sailors are among my favorites and will join my existing ones once repainted and repaired.

The running figure with gas mask is another favorite and I already have a few of these so my existing unit will be enlarged. The zouave is undamaged except for some paint loss. The British soldier with flag looks like he has a French flag but it was suggested to me that it was a simple way of depicting a folded Union Jack.


  1. Its a good haul! For me, part of the fun is working out how they will be integrated, and then restoring them into gaming pieces.

  2. Looks like some good stuff there mate,can’t wait to see what you do with them


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