Beersteiner Hero, Axel Hamburg

 Axel, despite his usual caution, was in the thick of battle in the third struggle for the Beersteiner capital. Here he is seen in his dress uniform and with gold flecked sword. Axel is much loved by the troops. At 60 he still has remarkable stamina and fighting ability.



  1. Nice paintjob on Axel!!
    Do you save stats from game to game, so your troops and characters gains experience?

  2. That is a sensible idea! Many of my heroes start off pretty gee whiz but some could do with some improvements. At present the only accumulation is that they get closer to final death. In most cases they have more than one life and each battle they get killed they lose a life. Also, new campaigns signify greater passing of time, so we test with a percentage die to see if any die of old age, something more likely if they have ill health and greater age.

    Once we use an old Warhammer campaign idea for commanders. If their army had a victory, we rolled on a chart to see what enhancements they would have in future. For example, the army might have more confidence etc.


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