More November Fantasy and SF Conversions

 In my last post I featured these hairy, savage looking fellows. I wasted no time in getting down to converting. The one at right is the original. The two to the left of him have had their lower arms cut off and then reattached with wire and Super Glue plus baking soda. I cut off the pistol holsters and drilled out the right hands.

  The lefthand figure has a metal copy of a Britains detail axe. The one at right has a button shield that I also used on another figure. The mace was cut from a cheap knight. The lefthand figure's shield is a DSG one. Shields were attached with Super Glue and baking soda.
Rather than doing my usual undercoats I might simply dry brush the brown plastic with lighter brown and pick out some details,
 This is one of the wonderful Space opera figures from ElastoWit. He represents one of the races/species in Flash Gordon.

   I made a resin copy and added a Britains detail (or DSG copy) of a mace. The lion button shiled has been painted bright bronze and given a Reichland Flesh GW wash. The eyes and teeth were also painted.
  I intended to use a more lionesque flesh color but instead it looks more like a mid-human flesh tone. I used the same wash on the flesh which I used on the shield. I went back over it with a lighter version of the basic flesh color to avoid the too blotched look from using a wash. The figure is verging more on the human side than lion but does have the obligatory tail. I painted the eyes green and added some white teeth to the mouth. I have since given the mace a brown wash.

  This figure could be used for Wizard of Oz (Ozzz in my games). His first service might be in my Beast-man army.
   Moorlocks! I loved the original Time machine movie with Aussie actor, Rod Taylor as the traveller. I made a resin copy of the ElastoWit figure which is at the right.
  It did not come out perfectly so you will discern some difference in facial features and the left arm. In fact the lower left arm did not come out and I replaced it with putty and wire.
   If I make some more I'll give him different weapons. I think the Morlocks would serve as ghouls in an Undead army. (In the smaller Warhammer versions, the ghouls were originally classed as living but later were classified as undead).
 The pirate at left I picked up as an odd figure in a convention swap. I forget the brand. I have yet to complete the base. The figure at right is a resin copy I made of an ElastoWit figure, and I use him as a Bogavanian wagon loader!
  'Chicken Maannn! Does anyone remember that radio segment? Anyhow, the goblin might be insulted as he rides a rooster - that could sound even worse! The goblin is a resin copy of a small masters of the universe figure (I think). The rider is about 45mm, which is fine as I follow the premise of goblins being smaller than orcs. He has a DSG axe and spare shield. He did not sit as well as I would have liked.

                               A strong sermon! Two Friar Tucks. The one at left is my resin copy made slightly taller and given a sword. The right arm and hand did not come out, so I made it from wire and putty. The right-hand figure is the original Crescent figure who had lost his club, so I made a new club from wire and putty.

   here is a converted pirate with new sculpted ape head. The weapon I made from wire and putty. The axe blade was a bit wonky, so I cut it into a point. I had a joke with Monkey-boy's shield.


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