Britains Hollow-cast Royal Marine & My Childhood memory Of Plastic Lone Star Marines.
I have a special liking for the Royal marine ceremonial uniform. As a 12 year old, a friend of mine, Stuard Middlemiss, had a collection of Lone Star Marines and I never had my own. They were very mysterious to us, and we thought they were policemen. In our projectile wargames the lone Star marines battled Timpo swoppet cowboys. Crude though the lone Star figures are I still have a love for them and might use them as Grand Fenwick marines.
Anyhow, I also now have, not only the Lone Star plastics, but some plastic conversions I made and a sprinkling of hollow-cast ones.
I know that Britains also later did these in solid metal. The thing is I have been trying to find a picture of the hollow-cast flag bearer complete. I have a spare Britains furled flag arm but I expect that the arm for this figure is meant to have a flag staff which sits in the bottom of the cross belt.
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