New aquisitions

Above are some figures I aquired in a small swap deal with Brenton, who was visiting from Adelaide with his wife Debbie. The two Plasty 'trappers' are stopping the HK Mexican bandit in his tracks. The other figure is avery nice Starlux knight. I like the sculpting on Starlux figures, especially the faces, although these are a little obscured by thick paint. The HK figure has loose bandoliers and is a swoppet piece. I don't know if it originally came with these parts but it has a lot of charm. I find also that the HK swopets have stood the test of time better than the Timpo and Britains swoppets they are coppied from. The plastic does not seem to get brittle. the usual explanations are that many English figures had chalk added for paint adhesion. This wouldn't be necessary with Timpo where different coloured plastics were used but maybt there was a factor involving heating of the plastics to weld them together. The HK plastics may have used a different method.


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