Space Orks vs Dark Eldar

My daughter Alexi, fascinated by the Dark Eldar has asked me to set up a game for her. She will have the swift and deadly armed Dark Eldar against the green hordes. You can see a Leaning Tower of Pisa converted into a Dark Eldar landing tower! Those reject shops are handy.

 The orks have customized various historical and Warhammer vehicles from other races into their own and this is part of their charm - it also means you can equip them with heavy support cheaply, from kids toys.
                        Below: Dark Eldar ravager and raider take pot shots at the ork def dred. Later the wyches on board would close in for combat with the walker.
Below: truck borne meganobs attempt to close with Dark Eldar vehicles but don't make it.
Below: This looted Rhino was made of card; I obtained it many years ago from some clever person. I added various gizmos, including the guided rocket (no longer in the ork rules). It has sustained two hull points and a weapon destroyed.. One moer lost hull point will finish it off.
Below: Much deleted gretchin (they started at thirty figures) and the war boss and mad Dok Grotsnik unit swarm onto the central objective.
                           Below: A unit of shoota boyz take position in the other objective.
Below: Dark Eldar ravager, venom and raider shoot at the orks - from a distance.

 By move five the orks have a much diminished unit of gretchin - that's what they're for, to provide cover, - but managed to down a Void Raven bomber. They are staring to lose orks as well.' The little elvy people just keep running away when we want to play'.

The Dark Eldar managed to destroy a def dread with wych heywire grenades. The orks finally closed in with Lelyth's raider and inflicted some lost hull points but the Dark eldar merely skimmed out of ork range. In the end both sides were capable of claiming two objctives and so it was a standoff.


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