My Britains Detail Napoleonic Cavalry & Others

 I have added my new Detail Cavalry to my collection and now have roughly half units. I might, eventually make a few resin copies to pad them out to 12 a unit.

  First up, though is a French Napoleonic pioneer. The figure is hard plastic and made in France. He had a broken musket so I gave him a Timpo axe and a putty apron. I painted him in old toy soldier style.

Italeri Scots Greys with their hat covers and some AIP and Detail in the back row.
                                                      Detail, AIP (converted) and Italeri
                              Detail white coated cuirassiers. I am guessing they are meant to be Russian or from a German state.
                      Front row, French cuirassiers of which I have the most of the Napoleonic detail cavary.
                                                           Hussars, maybe British.
                                         British dragoons. These will go with my Timpo ones.
                                                                   Pioneer again


  1. Hello. I think the Deetails horsemen in white are in fact french carabiniers.


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